June 2015 Newsletter

Everyone from our firewall family, mentors, volunteers and donors made this year a successful one!

One of our volunteers expressed to their Center how much this year meant to them: “I’ve loved working with you all every Tuesday. It always made my week and kept me going… knowing that I had you guys to look forward to.” 
Firewall Centers

We would like to take a moment to truly thank each Firewall mentor that dedicated their time to the 350 Firewall students.
From the moment the students come after school to sign in at the Center, they are greeted with a smile or hug from their mentor. Not only are they role models to the 10 students they are oversee, but these Firewall mentors also push these students to make the best grades they are capable of.
“Firewall is a place of love, healing and transformation not only for the students, but for everyone who walks through its doors. I am so grateful for the time I spent here. The most important lesson I learned is to never quit, no matter the situation, because anything is possible if you believe,” said Jen, Firewall mentor pictured below.
Firewall mentor, Jen, checking Firewall student assignments
Monday through Thursday, mentors are check the students’ homework assignments and helping them with any difficult subject areas. The bonds the students form with their mentors made it hard to say goodbye at the end of this year.

If you or anyone you know is interested in making an impact in students’ lives during the 2015-2016 school year, don’t hesitate tovisit our website and apply. 

Mentors Wanted

On Tuesday, May 19th, we had our annual awards ceremony! It was incredible to see all of our students, parents, staff, supporters, and volunteers gathered together to celebrate at Firewall’s annual award’s ceremony.
At the event hosted by Eric Yutzy of Channel 10 News, students graduating from Middle and High School were recognized for their amazing accomplishment!
Award Ceremony 2015
Guest speaker, Ginger Martin, talked about her climb to the top ofMount Kilimanjaro and shared with the audience of the difficulty in reaching her goal. The students were silent as Ginger told them that no matter how slow they feel that they are going, they are taking steps towards their goals and will get there.
Several raffles were done during the night and lucky students won prizes if their name was drawn. All seven Centers were recognized and took the stage, receiving their certificate along the way.

Servant Leader at Awards Ceremony
The Firewall parents that were in attendance were recognized for all the effort they put into the lives of their children. Without their support, Firewall would not be successful. We would like to thank these parents again for the important role they play in the lives of these students.
Thank you to all our supporters that have helped grow Firewall this year and for next year. Stay tuned this summer for more updates on what the Firewall staff is up to!
Firewall Centers