Open to Serve

On September 26th when most schools were closed for the Rosh Hashanah holiday, our Children’s Services Council of Broward (CSC)-funded elementary school programs were able to have full days of fun in which they engaged in activities like field trips outdoor games, cultural arts, and more.

Two of our sites went on a field trip to Flippos in Fort Lauderdale. At Flippos, students were able to play in their indoor playground where they climbed equipment, went on slides, and played sports. Students got to interact with one another as well as with their Firewall Mentors outside of the school environment, which helped to strengthen their bonds.

Some of our schools did not go on a field trip, but they were able to experience a great deal of fun right inside their schools. We had outside vendors come in to do face painting as well as engage students in other art activities like hip hop dancing. Students also played outside at a nearby playground.