July 2014 Newsletter

Firewall ScholarshipFirewall’s First Annual Servant Leader Scholarship!




IMG_7425Kathy has been a part of the Firewall program since she was in the 6th grade. Janeth Fernandez says “I still remember Kathy when she started Firewall. She would work so hard on her academics. She didn’t even speak English at the time, but had such a great desire to better herself that it didn’t hold her back. My favorite part about Kathy is her heart to serve. She loves to help people and always has a smile on her face!”


She learned from a young age that hard work and perseverance produce great results. We knew her potential so as soon as she became a junior in high school, we offered her an internship opportunity to mentor our middle school students. Of course, Kathy was happy to give back and did an excellent job. We were happy to see her grow, mature, and become a great role mole to her students. In her senior year, we were pleased to hire her as a mentor, but this time as part-time staff member.


Kathy believes that there is no excuse for not doing your best. Growing up, she overcame many obstacles and therefore she pushed her own group of Firewall students to excel and had faith that they could do the same.” Kathy graduated from Western High School this year with a 3.57 GPA and over 400 community service hours. She is great with our students and building relationships and wants to be an HR professional in the future.  We are so proud of her and know that she will continue to do great things in her community.




IMG_7420 - Version 2Annalyse also came to Firewall in the 6th grade, but we have known her since she was in 4th grade when she would come to the Center every day to pick up her brother, Angelo. Janeth Fernandez remembers how “quiet and shy she was, but was always so interested in learning every chance she could. Annalyse was always smart about surrounding herself with good people that encouraged her to work harder.


I can’t even picture Annalyse’s face without a big smile or a giggle. We knew she was a natural servant leader when she was always the first to run up and volunteer at all of our Firewall events. Annalyse has a way of standing out in a crowd and it’s definitely not because she is that shy little girl anymore. In fact, we all know when Annalyse enters the Firewall Center as she shouts her arrival. However, it’s because there is always joy when she is around.  Her great work ethic paired with a wonderful attitude makes her stand out in all she does.”


Annalyse wants to be an elementary school teacher and would make the best one, as she is very loving and caring. When she was in her junior year of high school, we gave her an opportunity to intern with Firewall’s middle school students. She did a great job and with her smiles and caring personality, she made sure the students did their homework every day. In her senior year, we also hired her as a part-time mentor to our middle school students. Annalyse just graduated from Western High School with a 3.54 GPA. She too maintained excellent grades, completed over 300 community service hours, and even dual enrolled at Broward College, taking five college classes as a senior. We are confident that Annalyse will eternally impact all of the kids who are blessed enough to have her as a teacher in the future!




School Supply Drive

click here


We’re Hiring

IMG_8636 - Version 3With all of our growth and success we have lots of positions to fill!

Part-time: 10-12 hours per week
(3-6 p.m., Monday – Thursday)

Area Director
Full-time: 40 hours per week

Community Relations Director
Full-time: 40 hours per week

Davie, Sunrise, Plantation, Pompano Beach





Annalyse also came to Firewall in the 6th grade, but we have known her since she was in 4th grade when she would come to the Center every day to pick up her brother, Angelo. Janeth Fernandez remembers how “quiet and shy she was, but was always so interested in learning every chance she could. Annalyse was always smart about surrounding herself with good people that encouraged her to work harder.

I can’t even picture Annalyse’s face without a big smile or a giggle. We knew she was a natural servant leader when she was always the first to run up and volunteer at all of our Firewall events. Annalyse has a way of standing out in a crowd and it’s definitely not because she is that shy little girl anymore. In fact, we all know when Annalyse enters the Firewall Center as she shouts her arrival. However, it’s because there is always joy when she is around.  Her great work ethic paired with a wonderful attitude makes her stand out in all she does.”

Annalyse wants to be an elementary school teacher and would make the best one, as she is very loving and caring. When she was in her junior year of high school, we gave her an opportunity to intern with Firewall’s middle school students. She did a great job and with her smiles and caring personality, she made sure the students did their homework every day. In her senior year, we also hired her as a part-time mentor to our middle school students. Annalyse just graduated from Western High School with a 3.54 GPA. She too maintained excellent grades, completed over 300 community service hours, and even dual enrolled at Broward College, taking five college classes as a senior. We are confident that Annalyse will eternally impact all of the kids who are blessed enough to have her as a teacher in the future!






June 2014 Newsletter

Firewall Celebrates Another Successful Year!

 2013/14 Awards Ceremony

DSC00808Wow, what a year! It was incredible to see all of our students, parents, staff, supporters, and volunteers gathered together to celebrate at Firewall’s annual award’s ceremony. At the event, beach balls were tossed around the crowd, certificates of participation were handed to students, pictures were taken, and individual students from across Firewall’s six Centers were recognized for their achievements as was the graduating senior class.

At Firewall, our vision is to transform students into servant leaders and every day, we tell each student that walks through our doors that they have the potential to be great and reach their dreams. With that being said, we were proud to introduce the creation of Firewall’s new annual Servant Leader Scholarship for graduating high school seniors. This year’s award went to Annalyse DeFrank and Kathia Carranza. These special young ladies are true servant leaders who have gone the extra mile to prove that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible! Stay tuned for their stories in next month’s newsletter.


Thank you everyone for such an awesome year and congratulations
to all of our students who worked so hard each and every day!



Wells Fargo Community Partnership

80805072014_IMG_4673wellsfargov2Wells Fargo recognized Firewall Centers as an official community partner, and presented us with a check for $1,000.00 to support our work with students.

As part of our partnership with the bank, Steven Basar from the Wells Fargo Coconut Creek branch came to our Center at Pompano Beach Middle School to teach students the importance of money management and saving for their future. We greatly value these relationships and the long-term impact that they have on our students.



Good News:    We’re in the “Good News!”
good news

We are proud to be recognized for the amazing things that have been accomplished this year at Firewall Centers because of the hard work of our students, staff, and volunteers together with the faithfulness of our sponsors, friends, and supporters!

Check out this newly released article that tells you a little bit more about what has been happening at Firewall:


We’re Hiring

IMG_8636 - Version 3With all of our growth and success we have lots of positions to fill!

Part-time: 10-12 hours per week
(3-6 p.m., Monday – Thursday)

Area Director
Full-time: 40 hours per week

Community Relations Director
Full-time: 40 hours per week

Davie, Sunrise, Plantation, Pompano Beach



Happy, happy happy!

There’s a lot of talk about HAPPINESS these days… How to find happiness, the benefits of happiness, and what does it really mean to be HAPPY?
I think we can all agree that even though TV commercials and movies tell us that success = happiness, it just isn’t the truth. No matter what lies we want to tell ourselves:
• Once I finish school, I’ll be happy
• When I get “that” job, I’ll be happy
• Once I get married, I’ll be happy
• When I am successful, I’ll be happy
The TRUTH is that SUCCESS DOES NOT EQUAL HAPPINESS.You can stand in line at the grocery store and read any celebrity magazine to prove that being beautiful, successful, or rich does not make you happy.
So how do I find HAPPINESS?
Step #1. Admit that your not going to find it in something you buy, do, or achieve.
These things may make you feel good for a little while but soon there is something else your going to be wanting. True happiness is found in the journey!
Step #2. Make HAPPINESS a habit. Being happy is not some magical mystery, you have to train your brain to be happy. Experts say it takes 21 days to build a habit, start your habit today, choose something to help you focus on being happy and set a goal to do it for 21 days.
Harvard studies proved this significantly can change your mindset to run on HAPPY.
• Do something creative. Write. Paint. Compose the next song about being happy. Just do something fun and artistic.
• Be thankful. Every day. And just don’t think it. Share with someone why you’re grateful.
• High five someone. Tell them how awesome they are and let them know they are important, this can be through email, social media, or in person. By making someone else’s day it will make you happy!
• Journal. Write down 3 things you are thankful for.
• Surround yourself with happy people. It’s infectious.
And so is this song:

May 2014 Newsletter

Serv A Thon 2014

Firewall Centers 2014 Serve A Thon 053On Saturday, May 3rd, Firewall Students along with their Firewall mentors, Regent Bank volunteers, and other community leaders worked hard as they served at the Davie Fire Station, planted trees at the Davie Police Station, landscaped public spaces, painted at the Davie Rodeo Grounds, cleaned up and beautified Pompano Beach Middle School by mulching, planting trees and flowers, as well as served food to the homeless in downtown Ft. Lauderdale.  Firewall Centers hosted its Serve-A-Thon event, a hands-on opportunity for students to learn the value of giving back while making a lasting difference in their neighborhoods. Thanks to a $15,000 match together with the support of Regent Bank and many generous Firewall Friends, we were able to raise over $50,000 that will allow us to continue to transform the lives of more at-risk youth every day.

Firewall Centers 2014 Serve A Thon 025

“it was powerful to see students that come from poverty and difficult circumstances not only enthusiastically give of themselves, but also raise money to support Firewall. This event truly taught them what servant leadership is all about.” This mindset was echoed by students like Astrel from Pompano Beach Middle School who says that “serving made me feel like a true leader.”

Andy Fernandez; Firewall Executive Director

Firewall Centers 2014 Serve A Thon 050

The lesson of the day was that serving is great for everyone involved! Santina from Plantation Middle School expressed that  “It made my day. I felt good, and it’s been a while since I have felt that way!”  Indian Ridge Middle School student Nate, who planted trees and bushes at the Davie Town Hall, says that his favorite part about serving “was the feeling I got after having a part in making something beautiful. I take for granted all of the hard work that goes into all the things around me.”

We want to thank Regent Bank for being headline sponsor of our Serve-A-Thon. Their employees were a huge help in serving side-by-side with our students! We also want to thank other sponsors who helped make Firewall’s Serve-A-Thon an incredible success: the Town of Davie, Pompano Beach Middle School, Whole Foods Coral Springs and Plantation, McDonald’s on Hiatus Rd., Enova Transportation Network, and Hope South Florida. It was a proud day for our community to see so many people of different ages and backgrounds come together to serve and give back to our neighborhoods. Firewall student Arianna speaks for everyone when she says that by serving, “I felt like I could make a change in the world.”



Thank you to all of our corporate sponsors:

RB square

Enova Limowhole Foods Coral Springswhole Foods Plantationmcdonalds-logo


Firewall Founders Awarded “Broward Citizens of the Year 2014”

Congratulations to our faithful founders Andy and Janeth Fernandez who on behalf of Firewall Centers were recognized “for outstanding commitment to our families” by Broward County School Social Work Association as they were awarded “Broward Citizens of the Year.”

Below are two of the nominating letters they are both deeply encouraging and humbling.  Thank you Yolanda and Betsy, the nomination means so much as we all know your commitment and sacrifice to our kids is unmeasurable.

Yolanda Thrower, Broward County Social Worker 

 “I personally worked with Firewall Ministries when I was assigned Indian Ridge Middle School and I can attest that Andy and Janeth were a critical piece in many of our student’s success. The program not only provided a place for our students to go after school but also filled in the parent link when necessary. Janeth attended parent-teacher conferences with or without the parent; emails teacher and communicates to parents what needs to be done; assisted the school staff with the implementing of interventions at their site; they signed agendas for the students with uninvolved parents; they referred families to the SSW with complex problems and ensured that the family followed up with referral; they assisted with the harvest drive every year; they have provided transportation for some parents to get them into the school for a conference. They are truly safe haven for their students.”

Betsy Roberts, Broward County Social Worker

 “I am truly lucky to have met Andy and Janeth Fernandez. They are amazing individuals who really have created a fantastic program for our students and families. I believe in what they are doing, data and statistics show it is working. I am a strong advocate for the Firewall Program. Andy and Janeth are the real deal – they unconditionally give of themselves, to help not only the students but their families. They are very “present” in the lives of our youth and role model a healthy lifestyle. I would often get a text from Janeth in the evening, worried over the negative behavior of one of her high schoolers. Janeth has incredible insight and is able to gain the trust of not just the student but the parent as well. Together we would intervene to assure the safety of the kids and quickly take proper action. She would often tell the parent,” just go see Betsy”. They listen to her and come into Western the next day. Janeth had already laid the groundwork and I am then easily able to build a trusting relationship with the parent and assist with their issues. The Firewall staff and students are actively involved in the Western Harvest Drive. A majority of the high school students are recipients but Andy and Janeth believe in giving back. They believe in service to their community. They arrange for the kids to volunteer their time and assist in the organizing, heavy lifting and sorting of the food days before the event. The day of the event, Janeth and her staff pay it forward. They come out, volunteer and even transport food in their cars to families who could not make it. I strongly recommend Andy and Janeth for “Citizen of the Year 2014”. These two people give and give and give – and ask for nothing in return BUT to see their kids walk the stage and earn their high school diploma! Now – isn’t that the best form of recognition and success?”

April 2014 Newsletter




… and we need your help!
Join the movement today


servant leadership

Citizens of the year



Congratulations to our faithful founders Andy and Janeth Fernandezwho on behalf of Firewall Centers were recognized “for outstanding commitment to our families” byBroward County School Social Work Association.

Betsy Roberts, one of the nominating Social Workers wrote “…I believe in what they are doing, data and statistics show it is working. I am a strong advocate for the Firewall Program. Andy and Janeth are the real deal – they unconditionally give of themselves, to help not only the students but their families…” 
Continue reading all about this great achievement and nomination.




We are constantly adding helpful tools, articles, and guides for both parents and students so bookmark the page and check back often.
Click here to visit the blog!



We want to congratulate Mac from
Pompano Beach Middle School for being such a great example of a Servant Leader!
“… I’ve learned that helping other people can not only make you a good person, but you could also teach someone something that could benefit them in the future…”


March 2014 Newsletter



non-profit academy awardsOn Friday, February 28th, Firewall Centers walked the red carpet at the 4th Annual PNC Bank Non-Profit Academy Awards presented by 211 Broward. We are honored and thrilled to be so highly recognized in our community

and awarded the title of Non-Profit of the Year – Rising Star!

CLICK HERE – to find out more and read the Sun-Sentinel article!




photo 3

Congratulations to our High School students who have spent the past couple of months learning about how to get a job as well as the important skills needed once they secure that job! With the help of some amazing guest speakers including entrepreneurs and business leaders, we have been teaching these students everything from how to search for their first job  to how to nail their first job interview . This past week, they each participated in mock interviews and did amazing! Leaders in the making!




At Firewall, we are always striving for academic excellence and character development in our kids, and we believe in the significance of introducing practical life skills for success. So when PNC bank told us that they wanted to help our students and teach them how to save as well as the importance of money management, we were all for it! The kids were intrigued and had so many great questions for PNC representatives. It was truly an excellent learning experience. We look forward to building community partners like PNC Bank and others who care so much about the future of our youth.




Serve-A-Thon 14We want to congratulate Michelle from Western High School for her service and commitment. She makes us proud!!

Michelle is currently in 10th grade and has been a Firewall student since 6th grade. To see how much Michelle has changed over the years is unbelievable and so exciting, a true example of why we do what wedo and the power of long-term mentoring…

(Finish reading her story here)


Firewall Centers wins Nonprofit Rising Star 2014 Academy Award

Firewall Centers was awarded Nonprofit Rising Star at the 4th Annual PNC Bank Non-Profit Academy Awards hosted by Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino and presented by 2-1-1 Broward.

non-profit academy awards


As seen in the Sun Sentinel:

Nonprofits in Broward honored at ‘Academy Awards’

By Doreen Hemlock, Sun Sentinel

7:43 PM EST, February 28, 2014

It was “Oscar” night early – to honor nonprofits in Broward County on Friday.

At a luncheon complete with a red carpet and live models painted gold like Academy Award statutes, more than 700 people turned out to recognize local nonprofits that often labor in obscurity. Businesses including PNC Bank, Publix and Consolidated Credit helped foot the bill.

Mission United, a year-old program that helps military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan to adapt to civilian life, took home this year’s nonprofit award for innovation. The program offers services from legal aid to cash and job readiness, working with nonprofit United Way of Broward County and other groups.

“There are more than 5,800 nonprofits in Broward County, and the only way to succeed and build social impact is collaboration,” Jen Klaassens, director of programs of The Wasie Foundation, told the festive audience at the county’s fourth annual Nonprofit Academy Awards.

Also honored Friday at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino were:

Nonprofit of the Year: Broward Partnership for the Homeless. Since opening 15 years ago, the group has served more than 20,000 homeless individuals and families, providing short term housing and other services to rebuild their lives. It has won best practices awards from the Florida Department of Children & Families and the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.

Nonprofit Collaboration: Kids in Distress, which worked with Memorial Healthcare System and Legal Aid Service of Broward County to provide families in need with a continuum of services.

Nonprofit Rising Star: Firewall Centers, which began in 2003 after a teenager died from a drug overdose while left unsupervised after school. The centers offer after-school tutoring and mentoring for at-risk middle-school and high-school students.

Nonprofit Arts: ArtServe, incorporated in 1989 as one of the six original arts incubators in the United States and now billed as South Florida’s premier arts incubator. It develops events and programs to help artists turn art into business, while bringing arts to the community.

Collective Impact for Youth: HANDY (or Helping Abused Neglected Disavantaged Youth), which began in 1985 and has helped more than 50,000 Broward youth in foster care or other protective supervision.

Nonprofit Board Leader: Joe Rogers of ChildNet, which helps children find foster homes and become adopted. He’s a board member, financial supporter and father of three adopted children. He was formerly chief operating officer at Broward Health and now holds that post at Pediatrics Associates.

“What we need in this community is more foster homes,” Rogers told the luncheon. “Let’s try to make sure these children grow up in loving homes they deserve.”

Nonprofit Leader: Patricia Zeiler, who runs the Downtown Fort Lauderdale Transportation Management Association, known as Sun Trolley. She has turned around finances at the public transport program by securing grants, ads, corporate sponsorships and other funds.

Tijuana Flats Award: Rebuilding Together Broward County, which repairs and renovates homes for the disabled, military veterans, low-income and others, in an honor selected by restaurant chain’s Just in Queso Foundation.

Community Choice Award: The Girl Choir of South Florida, selected through online votes.


[email protected], 305-810-5009

Copyright © 2014, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

February 2014 Newsletter



non-profit academy awardsOn Friday, February 28th, Firewall Centers walked the red carpet at the 4th Annual PNC Bank Non-Profit Academy Awards presented by 211 Broward. We are honored and thrilled to be so highly recognized in our community

and awarded the title of Non-Profit of the Year – Rising Star!

CLICK HERE – to find out more and read the Sun-Sentinel article!




photo 3

Congratulations to our High School students who have spent the past couple of months learning about how to get a job as well as the important skills needed once they secure that job! With the help of some amazing guest speakers including entrepreneurs and business leaders, we have been teaching these students everything from how to search for their first job  to how to nail their first job interview . This past week, they each participated in mock interviews and did amazing! Leaders in the making!




At Firewall, we are always striving for academic excellence and character development in our kids, and we believe in the significance of introducing practical life skills for success. So when PNC bank told us that they wanted to help our students and teach them how to save as well as the importance of money management, we were all for it! The kids were intrigued and had so many great questions for PNC representatives. It was truly an excellent learning experience. We look forward to building community partners like PNC Bank and others who care so much about the future of our youth.




Serve-A-Thon 14We want to congratulate Michelle from Western High School for her service and commitment. She makes us proud!!

Michelle is currently in 10th grade and has been a Firewall student since 6th grade. To see how much Michelle has changed over the years is unbelievable and so exciting, a true example of why we do what wedo and the power of long-term mentoring…

(Finish reading her story here)