Meet the Mentors – Pt. 1


Firewall Centers sat down with Nirmel to learn about all his experience as a Mentor at Firewall. 


Q: How long have you been working for Firewall Centers?

Nirmel: This would actually be my second year. I was also a mentor for my first year at Western High School. I honestly prefer working with high school because that’s where my heart is at; it’s where I want to teach because I want to be a History teacher.


Q: What made you want to return and continue your role as a mentor?

Nirmel: One, because I like the job. Two, because I like having the work experience and I want to build on that experience as well. Since I want to be a teacher…continuing my role as a mentor will prepare me for it. Teaching is where my calling is, where my passion is, and history is my favorite subject. You can make so many good discussions, arguments, or lessons from history.


Q: What is the hardest part of being a mentor?

Nirmel: The hardest part is classroom/behavior control because you have to adapt to the individual as well as the general group of students you’ll have. If they’re all rowdy, you have to tell them to be quiet or if one is being rowdy, you have to tell that one person to be quite while handling the others simultaneously.


Q: Any advice to adapt with these issues for different students? 

Nirmel: Really try to have patience, because if you don’t you’re not going to help the situation at all. Also, don’t be offended by what they say because know that (1) they’re students and kids and you’re the adult and (2) their words have no power over you. You want to make the situation better, but if you get offended you’re going to make the situation worse.


Q: What is the most rewarding part of being a mentor?

Nirmel: It’s seeing, especially at the end of the year, how much growth the student has made in terms of their grades, but also in terms of their character and even in self-esteem. Also, on a spiritual level as well.


Q: What is something that a mentor should expect at their Center? 

Nirmel: A mentor should expect to be ‘tried’. Students will pick at a lot of different aspects of your life when in actuality it’s not true. Also, mentors should expect outbursts from students especially in a middle school environment because students are more vocal.


Q: Any advice for future mentors?

Nirmel: As I said before, have the patience, but also know that you’re not just doing this for the pay. You’re doing this to make an impact in the student’s life because you’ll practically be like their older brother or sister and literally their mentor to show them from right to wrong. You are the voice that tells them how things should and should not be and an ear to listen to. You never know what a student could be going through. You’re going to be part of their lives.




Thank you for all you do Nirmel!

